Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently

I don't know about you, but March certainly came in like a lion here in the Midwest! Between yesterday and today, we've accumulated almost a foot of snow.  Too bad it started too early for a snow day, right? :)

March 1st means it's time to pay my rent it's time for Currently with Farley!

Listening: While I was looking forward to some quiet time this evening, apparently my kitties had different plans. They have been tearing across my bed and leaping onto everything in sight. Hopefully they calm down before lights out!

Loving: I've been so stressed lately that I am definitely in need of some mom-time! Lisa arrives on Saturday and I cannot wait.

Thinking: I always end up with a million racing thoughts on Sunday nights. I am hoping that all goes at least mostly as planned this week!

Wanting: My best selling product is in need of a serious upgrade. I've started but can't seem to find the time to make a whole lot of progress.

Needing: Life has thrown some pretty crazy stuff at me lately to the point where it is making my emotions go all over the place. It's taking a huge conscious effort to relax and accept the things that are out of my control.

Spring Break: I'll be relaxing at my mom's house for a weekend and then hoping I can use the rest of the time to catch up on sleep and get ahead on some classroom and school-related stuff.  Spring break countdown: 10 school days!

Here's to thinking spring!