Friday, April 3, 2015

Five for Friday {April 3rd, 2015}

Prepare yourselves for the randomness of this post! Just one of the many reasons why I love Five for Friday!

This week, we began writing to inform.  When I introduce a new style of writing, I like the entire class to work on writing about the same topic so that we can brainstorm together.  Initially, I had trouble coming up with a topic that I knew all of my students knew enough about, but then it hit me - ME! Here we are brainstorming things we know about Ms. Nordland :)

 The warmer weather we've been having called for a new, spring-y craft in the hallway. I did a quick TPT search and found this adorable freebie from The Learning Junction.  We brainstormed spring adjectives and -ing verbs together, but the kiddos did the rest with their cinquains - I was very impressed!

My "masterpiece" from family art night - one of my favorite nights of the year!

Too cute not to share! This little boy is pretty much obsessed with one of the cuties in my class.  Excuse the blurry photo - I had to stealthily run after them to seize this photo op!

Last but not least, I came home yesterday afternoon to a handwritten thank you note in my mailbox from our assistant superintendent. Who knew this could happen?! I was on cloud nine!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Currently

Are you as shocked as I am to be entering the home stretch?  I still have so much left to do with my first graders before the end of the year creeps up on us! 

I know I have been a terrible blogger lately.  Trust me, I have some ideas for posts and things I want to share with you all, but I never seem to have a spare second!  Okay, I have spare seconds, but I typically like to use those for naps and/or online shopping...Hopefully inspiration strikes and said posts will be coming to you soon.

But of course I couldn't miss the April 2015 edition of Farley's Currently, so here we are!

Listening: I am pretty sure that teachers have the greatest appreciation for silence :)
Loving: I am ALL about three day weekends. We have Good Friday off so tomorrow is basically my "Friday".
Thinking: I got the news today that I have a new boy starting in my class tomorrow. Of course I instantly started stressing about his arrival and am ready to meet him so I can rid myself of this anxiety!
Wanting: It's supposedly supposed to storm tomorrow and I am so ready for a good spring storm. Hopefully it happens when I can be at home cuddled up in bed.
Needing: April definitely snuck up on me.  I have two research papers and a curriculum analysis to do, to which I kept telling myself "I have plenty of time!" But now procrastinator-me has realized that there are only five weeks left in the semester. Yikes!
Paiges of Learning: I tried to get a bit creative with my blog name. I'm not sure if it worked. But hey, I think I'll keep it ;)

Happy Easter weekend!