Saturday, August 23, 2014

You Might Be a Teacher If...

As a teacher, there are just some things that only fellow teachers will understand. I'm talking about those crazy moments when you cut off part of your shirt in the paper cutter and think Only a teacher would be able to relate to my current misfortune. Okay, maybe the paper cutter was just me...but I know everyone has those "only a teacher" moments.

For example...
Who needs room for "personal touches" around the apartment? 
I am convinced that a lot of teachers have some of the worst eating habits ever, seeing as we are always on-the-go at work and exhausted when we come home! I don't even want to know how long it's been since I've been grocery shopping. Apparently the bologna, beer, and apples are good enough for now.
Sometimes you've gotta make yourself laugh while going through those monotonous tasks, ya know?
Hello, world!

Have a teacher-y moment to share with us? Link up with Christina! I'm sure we could all use someone to relate to right now as we stress over the beginning of a new school year.

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