Saturday, September 13, 2014

Is the World Ending? {I WON!}

A week or so ago I came across Ashley's Milestone Giveaway. I thought - heck, why not? Even though I never win anything. Seriously - the closest I ever came to winning something I was asked to sit through one of those timeshare meetings. Thanks, but no thanks.

Anyways, I woke up this morning with an email that said "giveaway winner". Immediately I'm thinking Oh, great, another spam message. But then I looked at the sender and thought, Wait a minute, don't I follow her teaching blog?

The email said I had won a $20 giftcard to anywhere. I could not believe my eyes. So I hopped on over to her blog, and sure enough - my name was listed as a winner! $20 to TPT, here I come!
I wanted to give the biggest of shout outs to Ashley over at Flying High in First Grade, as well as to all of the other teachers who participated in her milestone giveaway. I absolutely love being a part of this fabulous community of teacher-bloggers.

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