Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Visualizing with Jack Prelutsky

Visualizing is one of my favorite things to teach all year. I love reading to my kids and seeing what kinds of things they are picturing in their minds! While my grade level does use a lot of fabulous mentor texts to teach visualizing, my favorite thing to use are two poems by Jack Prelutsky. My first graders think they are super entertaining and they really get the opportunity to visualize and draw some silly stuff!

The first poem we used was My Neighbor's Dog is Purple. I read it two times through, leaving off the last two lines at first. This way, students saw how their visualizations sometimes change as they continue to read. They also got a huge kick out of the fun twist at the end of the poem!

The following day, we read The Green Giant. Because this poem had plenty of details, it was also a good way to informally assess my students' listening skills!

Both of these activities were super engaging and really gave my kids a good idea of what it means to visualize during a story (especially when we do not have any pictures to look at!) Inspiration for these activities came from Deanna Jump's blog - you can check out her post here.


  1. I love this activity. I'd really like to get a copy of the two sheets you used for the students' work. Are they on your TPT site? Thanks!!

  2. I just found it on Deanna's website. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for sharing these. I know you found them on Mrs. Jump's website.

  4. It was a great activity to help kids VISUALIZE! Thanks for sharing!
