Friday, October 24, 2014

Five for Friday {October 24th, 2014}

I don't think I've ever meant "TGIF" as much as I do tonight. I love how Kacey from Doodle Bugs Teaching gives us all something to look forward to on Friday afternoons!

Parent teacher conferences are officially over! After 8 conferences Thursday and 15 (yes, 15) today, I get to say a cheerful "see ya later" to all the fun that comes with nonstop parent meetings. Thankfully, I think things went pretty well this year!

Spending five days a week with six and seven-year-olds brings a whole new meaning to that "You Give Me Fever" song. After coming home and sleeping for two hours after conferences, the good ol' thermometer revealed a lovely little fever. I wonder which one of my little angels I can thank for this one!

I saw a similar anchor chart on Pinterest and knew we had to incorporate it into our pumpkin-filled week. Introducing adjectives aligned nicely with learning about characters and character traits during our reader's workshop mini lessons. The kids had fun thinking of different words to describe pumpkins and it helped that we just visited a pumpkin patch last Friday!

After completing our pumpkin KWL chart, I decided to talk more about the pumpkin life cycle and have my students complete this cute life cycle craftivity. We sung this adorable song to help us remember the different stages (I may or may not have put it on repeat for a good ten minutes while they worked).

We finished up our narrative writing unit by recalling memories from our pumpkin patch field trip. The best part was creating goofy jack-o-lanterns to accompany our writing, inspired by this super cute idea on Kacey's blog. 

Happy weekend!


  1. Hi Paige! I love your blog colors! You have had a busy week with TONS of fun activities! I want to be in your classroom! We recently finished up our conferences too - whew! So glad! Enjoy your weekend.
    Teaching and Much Moore

  2. Love all your pumpkin activity ideas! We will definitely be using some of them next Friday! Thanks for sharing!
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
