Listening: I love relaxing and watching Girl Code whenever I can! Such a good way to laugh and I catch myself relating to it all the time.
Loving: If you haven't heard of Norwex yet, you need to check it out! Even though I hate cleaning, I was immediately sucked into their products and love how easy they make things. I got the mop for Christmas and just tried it out - it was awesome! Or at least as awesome as cleaning my floors can be...
Thinking: I'll be heading over to a friend's house soon to participate in some new year festivities. I am excited for a fun night and for a fresh year.
Wanting: I've been putting together some book studies to go along with the Magic Treehouse series. I am really excited to finish them up and try them out with my higher reading groups.
Needing: Came back from my mom's house, threw all my crap in the middle of the room. Still there. I should maybe get going on that.
Yes: I joined a gym back in October. But do I actually go to the gym? I should probably start going to the gym.
Maybe: It's been a while since I've gone a trip with friends. I think it would be fun to put something together for this summer that I can look forward to!
I Wish: My Masters will be finished in 2016. One more year!
Cheers to 2015!