Friday, December 12, 2014

"Four Things" Friday?

Watch out, world - I'm blogging three times in one week! As the quarter winds down, I am thankfully finding some time to relax and get back to doing some of the things I love to do (besides teaching, of course). It's been another great week in first grade, so despite the holiday Five for Friday hiatus, I am going to share some great things about the week with you all!

Today was one of those days where I felt under-planned. We are wrapping up so many different things from the quarter and it does not make sense to start something completely new three and a half days before the kids run off for winter break. Thankfully, I found this adorable freebie from First Grade Schoolhouse. My students were so excited to hear that they would be "creating" a pet reindeer of their very own. After lunch, I put on the Christmas music and let them go to town.

This week, I took a day off to progress monitor my kids. I found this cute activity to leave for my sub to do with my students during writing time. I love how it turned out! And I've gotta say, their responses were just about spot-on!

Our new principal this year is trying to incorporate more fun activities for the staff to participate in (and is doing a fabulous job!) Monday we had a cookie exchange and up until break we are all exchanging cards with one another. The kitten card was one I received from another staff member and the two top cards are ones I still need to send.
And finally - can I just fangirl for a moment? I linked up with Abby last night and she not only read my post but left me a sweet comment! 

Happy Friday and one-week-until-break, everyone! Hang in there :)

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