Wednesday, December 31, 2014

January Currently

What a better way to wrap up the blog for 2014 than with Currently with Farley! Here is what I am up to.

Listening: I love relaxing and watching Girl Code whenever I can! Such a good way to laugh and I catch myself relating to it all the time.
Loving: If you haven't heard of Norwex yet, you need to check it out! Even though I hate cleaning, I was immediately sucked into their products and love how easy they make things. I got the mop for Christmas and just tried it out - it was awesome! Or at least as awesome as cleaning my floors can be...
Thinking: I'll be heading over to a friend's house soon to participate in some new year festivities. I am excited for a fun night and for a fresh year.
Wanting: I've been putting together some book studies to go along with the Magic Treehouse series. I am really excited to finish them up and try them out with my higher reading groups.
Needing: Came back from my mom's house, threw all my crap in the middle of the room. Still there. I should maybe get going on that.
Yes: I joined a gym back in October. But do I actually go to the gym? I should probably start going to the gym.  
Maybe: It's been a while since I've gone a trip with friends. I think it would be fun to put something together for this summer that I can look forward to!
I Wish: My Masters will be finished in 2016. One more year!

Cheers to 2015!


  1. From one fellow grad school student to another (you're halfway there and I'm just starting)...we can do it! :) Happy new year!

    Terrific Teaching and Learning

  2. I love Magic Tree House books! I hope you find the time to take a trip with your friends. Happy New Year!

  3. I love that you are so geeked out about a mop!

    Math is Elementary

  4. I love Magic Tree House books! Such happy memories of my daughter reading these!
    Have a fun night! Be safe!
    Hope you get to the gym - that's my goal too! One day at a time! Good Luck!

  5. Good luck with finishing your Master's! Another year closer to graduation! I will finish in 2017! I'm going for Reading Specialization. I love your blog design and see that you made it! I'm sending positive thoughts your way as you finish your book units you've been working on. My students and I recently read a Magic Tree House book together and they became hooked on the series! Looking forward to using your resources next year! :) Hopefully we can connect more!

    Take Me to Third Grade

  6. I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!! Congrats!! Here is the link

