Monday, June 22, 2015

Dare to Dream

If you're going to dream, why not dream big?

This is the question that week two of the #tptsellerchallenge poses to us all.  What are some things we hope to accomplish through our businesses as TPT sellers?

When I initially started making things for Teachers Pay Teachers, I didn't really expect many people to buy them. My interest stemmed from the fact that I wanted to buy everything I saw on TPT but of course could not afford to do that.  So I decided to try making my own resources for my classroom.  It's been an ever-changing journey but I am so glad I started!  TPT has brought so many opportunities to create, inspire, and be inspired by others.

Of course, TPT has also blessed me with the added bonus of some extra income. Here are some things I hope to accomplish through selling:

GRAD SCHOOL: I am less than a year away from my Masters degree and am hoping to graduate without any debt! I was very, very fortunate to have parents who paid for my undergrad but for grad school I was on my own. Recently I have been using some of the money earned through Teachers Pay Teachers to pay my tuition.

HOUSE-BUYING: Extra money means extra savings. Next summer, I am looking at buying a house with my man and could definitely use the extra to go towards a solid down payment. This is a huge "grown-up step" for me and I am

EXTRA CASH: Who doesn't love having a bit of extra spending money? While I try my best to be as responsible as possible with my funds, it is nice knowing that I have a bit of extra income so that I can go out to dinner if I want or buy those shoes that were calling my name.

What are your big hopes and dreams? It's not too late to join in on the #tptsellerchallenge fun. Click here to start dreaming!


  1. Congratulations on almost having your Masters! That is fantastic and that'd be awesome if you can get it and have no debt in the end! Best of luck!

    Lattes and Lunchrooms

  2. I love that you are saving money to put down on a home. We built our home 3 years ago and were able to get great rates because we could put a large chunk down (you'll also be able to pay if off faster). Great goals!!!
