Friday, July 17, 2015

Five for Friday! {July 17, 2015}

It's been too long since I've done a Five for Friday post! I think mainly due to the fact that I've been up to nothing interesting this summer besides grad school, struggling hard at the gym, and napping like it's my job ;)

Throughout it all, I still haven't really been able to turn my teacher-brain off. Today officially marks the "one-month until it's back-to-school" countdown. Summer flew by but I am so ready to get into my classroom and prepare for the upcoming year!

'Tis the season to spend all my money at Target! Wait, I think that's true all of the time. Regardless, everyone has been sharing their Target dollar spot hauls and I thought I'd post a picture of mine! Sorry that the lighting is so terrible. Here's a quick run-down:
  • On the left, I grabbed a bunch of sentence strips and some lined whiteboards. The whiteboards I got are fun because they look like a piece of paper ("portrait" style rather than "landscape") so I thought that would be fun for the kids!
  • The "creative me" books looked like so much fun for indoor recess and early finishers. Each page has a different activity that allows the kids to be creative. 
  • I got the glowstick bracelets as a back-to-school gift for my kids.
  • No trip to the dollar section is complete without some plastic storage (mini and larger chalkboard-colored bins).
  • LOVE the sum puzzle game! A total steal for $3.
  • Also can't go wrong with some chalkboard buntings, big dice, and owl accents.
  • I also found the cute birthday bag and told my mom I wish I had a use for it because it was so cute. Luckily my mom is also a teacher and apparently a genius because she recommended cutting it out and using it on my birthday board. Done and done!

FINALLY, a hopeful solution for all of my crayon-storage woes! And it only cost me a little over $10! I bought these guys at the dollar store and they fit a 24-pack of crayons so perfectly! No more tattered boxes, plastic baggies, or crayon hoarding!

Clearly I'm on a roll spending money lately. With my man moving in soon, we are in need of more storage space (sorry not sorry for hogging the entire walk-in closet and two dressers in my master bedroom...) Anyways, saw this at one of the consignment shops in town and fell in love. Even better - it was 20% off! We are going to pick it up in his truck tomorrow.

Speaking of my man, our mini-vacation to southern Illinois was absolutely perfect. For me, the highlight was definitely zip lining through the trees. We will definitely need to do it again someday!

I've heard a lot of great things about this book and I finally got my hands on my own copy. So far I am really enjoying it! Teaching writing is definitely my biggest challenge so I am excited to learn from this book and put those things into practice in the fall. Is anyone else reading it this summer?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love your Dollar Spot finds! You are so lucky to have a Target where you live! I get so jealous every time I see pictures of teachers' Target hauls. haha. I can't wait to get mine when I go on vacation next week. :)

    That crayon storage idea is brilliant too! I might have to get some of those containers!

    Teaching in the Tropics

  3. I bought some of those same Dollar Tree containers! I'm using mine for organizing my task cards and math manipulatives. :-)

  4. Those crayon storage containers are great! I will be on the lookout for them.
