Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Peek at Week #2

Our first full-ish week of school starts tomorrow and I am seriously regretting not going into work this weekend. Anxious teacher is very anxious and while I did have a much-needed fun and relaxing weekend, I am wishing I could have set aside a few hours of my time for the classroom so that my Sunday night worries would be more in control.

This next week includes more procedures, especially when it comes to our workshop model. I love teaching in small groups and am chomping at the bit to get going. However, I need to remember that my first graders will need a lot of repetition when it comes to modeling our expectations and routines. 

Here's what I have going on for week two:

Enjoy your week!


  1. It looks like you will have a great week! Can I ask what Bump and Pop are in your math plans?

    1. Hi Ashley!

      Bump is a math game using dice and counters. There are tons of free versions if you look on TPT! Pop is a game by learning resources. They run about $10 and there are different sets for reading and math. My kids love both :)

      Thanks for stopping by my blog!
