Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Look at my Plans {Week 5}

Confession: I am so not ready to go back to work this week. My mom visited me this weekend and we had lots of fun together - I just don't want it to end! The highlight was definitely walking around a local broom corn festival. We ate fair food, browsed through the special vendors, explored antique shops, and bought some amazing homemade coffee cake and fudge. (Side note - Who knew broom corn was an actual thing?)

You'll notice that I have Tuesday blocked out in this week's visual plans. I've been put on our district's science curriculum mapping committee and our first meeting is all day this Tuesday. While I am so excited to have the opportunity to work on this committee, I am so not excited to prep for a sub.

With Writer's Workshop, we've been practicing getting our stories down on paper. This week, I will introduce the term "narrative" and model how to focus in on a small moment. I will also begin introducing our word attack strategies during our Reader's Workshop mini-lessons. We will have our first attempts at our center rotations, too! Wish me luck!

Our afternoons this week consist of writing sentences, learning about maps/globes, and understanding subtraction. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Paige! Love your design. For my clip chart, I just used small hooks that I found at Michaels. What I like about it is that it's an adhesive you peel and then stick where you want. I punched holes at the top of the clip chart and then into the hooks. Try a craft store, they definitely should have small adhesive hooks. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching
