Friday, September 5, 2014

Five for Friday: A September Shopping Spree!

By the end of week four, I'm finally feeling like I'm getting into the swing of things in the land of first grade. I'm even going to post my Five for Friday on time and on the right day!

I recently succumbed to a bit of a TPT binge. I say "a bit" because it could have been a lot worse.You should have seen the size of my cart as I debated what I should buy/hit myself over the head repeatedly for not taking advantage of the boost sale a few weeks back.

Anyways - I ended up purchasing five items. Which worked out perfectly for this week's Five for Friday.

1. Let's Learn our Sight Words play doh mats by Miss Kindergarten - My firsties love love love play doh. I love love love when they know their sight words. Enter the perfect resource. Added bonus: these cards have room at the bottom to practice writing the words with a dry erase marker.

2. Write & Wipe Alphabet Mats from the Printable Princess - The handwriting. It's pretty bad. Dry erase makers. The kids love them. Another win-win product.

3. Harvest Fun No Prep Packet by Annie Moffatt - My addiction to Annie's products is out of control. Everything she makes is so adorable and so appropriate for my first graders. I own every single seasonal packet of hers and continue to buy the new ones she comes out with. I even have my own binder dedicated to her no-prep printables (am I coming off as a total fangirl right now?)

4. Interactive Math Packet Bundle by Annie Moffatt - See above. I love how this packet is no-prep but adds that extra interactive aspect to each printable. The kids think they are getting to play games! (Teacher Tip #358: Take every opportunity to trick your kids into thinking they are playing games. Watch the level of engagement magically grow!)

5. Interactive Reading Notebook from All Students Can Shine - I really want to incorporate interactive notebooks this year. This product is for reading responses and is exactly what I needed!

Side note - I've now looked at the word "spree" so many times that it does not look like a real word anymore. Isn't it weird how that happens?

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