Monday, December 1, 2014

December Currently & A Flash Freebie!

Happy December, everybody! It's time to turn up the Michael Bublé holiday music, spread the holiday cheer, and all that other good stuff! (Although I've obviously been listening to Christmas music since after Halloween...)

Listening: I was enjoying the silence until my cats got all excited. They are tearing through my bedroom and chasing each other all over the place!

Loving: I was nervous about how my students would be today, but as far as Mondays go, this one was productive and relatively problem-free!

Thinking: The only negative to my day was finding out a student of mine suddenly moved away. She was one of the sweetest, most kind-hearted students and I will miss her terribly!

Wanting: I think this is pretty self-explanatory...

Needing: See above. My cabinets are so empty I think you can hear an echo if you shout into them.

Giving: For today and tomorrow only, please enjoy my Christmas-themed adjective write the room for free! Happy Holidays!

A big shout-out to Farley for hosting "Currently" - it is definitely something I look forward to each month!


  1. If you lived a little bit closer, I would totally do your shopping for you. I love Christmas shopping! My cats are loving that I put up the tree yesterday. Jax lies by it just staring at it with love, while Cassie chews on the ends of the branches. Little rascals!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. I am sorry one of your students moved away. I hate when that happens, especially when you can't say bye. Love your freebie! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh my goodness! This freebie was exactly what I needed!! Thank you, thank you! I could just hug you! Thanks for sharing! Have a great December! I share your shopping sentiments! I feel this way about Christmas shopping.
