Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Made It & Fa La La La Link Up

Happy Monday, teacher friends! Today I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made It. This is one of my favorite link ups that I have really been slacking on lately! Need a cute Christmas-y craft and/or writing project? Read on!

It wouldn't be the Christmas season without the Grinch. The original Grinch, of course. Because no matter how much I secretly love the Jim Carrey version, the cartoon movie I once owned on VHS will always have a special place in my heart. As will this book (my copy is so old it is falling apart!)

This quarter, my students worked on procedural writing. We spent a lot of time writing about things we know how to do - making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, building a block tower, playing with a get the picture.

As a fun way to wrap up our procedural writing unit (and to keep us just a bit more sane as the holidays approach), I decided to incorporate our friend the Grinch into a fun writing craftivity. We began by reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We discussed the Grinch's character traits, evidence, and how he changed from beginning to end.

We decided that the Grinch from the beginning of our story was not a nice guy. Stealing presents and stockings and lying to a little girl? Not the best character, my friends. So we began to brainstorm ways to cheer him up. To make his heart grow a little bit bigger. After sharing a few examples as a class, my kids were ready to run wild with their planning sheets.

We worked on coming up with introductory and concluding sentences, as well as using our transition words when writing. I love how this friend wants to invite the Grinch over to make cookies! I got a real kick out of reading what my first graders came up with.

Finally, we tied everything together with a grinch-y craft!

Now for the fun part - your freebie! Click the image below to start spreading some Christmas cheer.

Happy Holidays! Head over to Primary Powers to see what other holiday freebies you can grab!

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