Sunday, September 6, 2015

Back to School {Yay or Yikes}

Thank goodness for long weekends! We just finished up the end of week three in first grade and there truly ain't no tired like back-to-school tired.

In the spirit of back to school, I am linking up with the Primary Pack to share my feelings on this time of year! Does back to school make you say "Yay" or "Yikes"? Click here to link up and share your thoughts.
Reminds me of school supply shopping with my mom. I LOVE all things school supply (born to be a teacher right here) and I was always SO excited to go back to school shopping. Where I grew up, we didn't start school until the end of August - for this reason I wasn't even allowed to mention the words "school supplies" until the end of summer. The anticipation always drove me crazy!

Makes me want to fast forward a month or two. First graders in August are basically kindergarteners. They are lost, scared, disoriented, off-task, and anything but the independent first graders who I sent off to second grade last June. I'd be perfectly okay with skipping forward a month or two. Practicing routines is tough and monotonous!

Drives me to seek out caffeine ALL. THE. TIME. I drink my normal 800 cups of coffee in the morning. I go to Starbucks to get more coffee. I drink diet coke throughout the day (which I never do at any other time of year). Caffeine, caffeine, caffeine.

Makes me need a whole lotta sleep! I know you all feel me on that one. When I do sleep, I am knocked out. It makes me have some really bizarre dreams!

Causes me to think about teaching pretty much 24/7. There is so much to do at the beginning of the year. My mind is constantly in plan mode.

Makes me think of all the progress we will make this year in first grade. I know that come May, I will look back at the beginning of the year with a full heart, realizing just how far my first graders came from the first day of school. It's one of the most amazing parts of having this job!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paige! Thanks so much for linking up and I totally agree with all your thoughts 100%! Especially the being in plan mode 24/7! Happy Back to School to you my friend, Cara;)
    Creative Playground
