Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Currently

Hi all! While I'm failing miserably at my Teacher Week posts, here's my September currently (only a day usual). Click here to join the fun over at Farley's blog!

Listening: After the craziness of a first grade day, a little bit of silence (with some intermittent cat meows) is all that I need.
Loving: I work at a pretty amazing place :) Shout out to all who make it so special!
Thinking: This weekend I have to go home for a doctor's appointment. I'm so happy that it's a long weekend and that I will get to see my family and my hometown friends. Just what I need after the chaotic back-to-school rush.
Wanting: So. Hungry. We are meeting my man's parents for dinner and I am so ready to chow down. Love me some good Chinese food!
Needing: Holy moly I am exhausted. Last night we had parent orientation and then I had to go to grad class for two and a half hours. It left me really drained this morning. I even took a nap after work today and still feel like I could go to bed soon.

  1. Think positive thoughts. For every negative Debby Downer moment I find myself having, I am trying to find a positive thought to take its place. Because we all need to rant sometimes, but we also need to remember everything that we have!
  2. Strengthen my writing instruction. Writing is definitely the area in which I am least confident. Many of the other first grade teachers feel the same. We're planning on doing some collaboration this year to strengthen our instruction. I'm hoping to really give it my all so that my students can really benefit!
  3. Show love to those around me. I've got a lot to love and a lot to be thankful for. 
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I agree!!! I am trying make Positive Thoughts a goal of mine too! I hope that through my attitude I can help others feel positive too!!!! Hope you have a great long weekend!!!

    The Brand New Pencil

  2. I am so excited to see all the positive goals! I want my year to be fun and full of positive energy. No negative Nancy thoughts! Ranting is necessary sometimes, but we must take them and spin them into something positive. Good luck being positive this year!

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  3. Great positive thinking goals! I am doing my best to stay positive this year too! But I am in great need of some extra sleep too!!

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press
